How To Write A Sales Plan (classroom)

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Course Description:

This 5 day course is for those who are serious about opening a business but do not really how to go about opening a business.

It is an intense course with a lot of practical work to be completed in the class room and also in the evenings.

There is a lot of interaction with the delegate and the trainer.

Course Content:

Day 1: Business idea to business plan to implementation strategy

Day 2: Finance: raising finance, bookkeeping, profit & loss accounts, balance sheets, cash flows, finance management

Day 3: Marketing

Day 4: Sales

Day 5: How to write a business plan & action plan

Delivery Method:

Class room at our premises, venues or on client site.

Class Size:

The maximum class size for this course 5 delegates per class. This is to ensure that each delegate is provided with quality time.


This course is delivered throughout the UK & internationally on client site or at our office or in one of our venues.


This is a 5 day intense course, however can be delivered over 2 weekends (4 days).


The course delivery dates are as follows:

We can deliver this course privately (including one to one delivery) on any agreed date if you can not attend the course dates shown.

Delivery dates: 06/Jan/14 – 10/Jan/14

Delivery dates: 03/Feb/14 – 07/Feb/14

Delivery dates: 03/Mar/14 – 07/Mar/14

Delivery dates: 07/Apr/14 – 11/Apr/14

Delivery dates: 05/May/14 – 09/May/14

Delivery dates: 02/Jun/14 – 06/Jun/14

Delivery dates: 07/Jul/14 – 11/Jul/14

Delivery dates: 04/Aug/14 – 08/Aug/14

Delivery dates: 01/Sep/14 – 05/Sep/14

Delivery dates: 06/Oct/14 – 10/Oct/14

Delivery dates: 03/Nov/14 – 07/Nov/14

Delivery dates: 01/Dec/14 – 05/Dec/14


£1500 per delegate


Contact us if you want us to help you arrange hotel accomodation at Knowledge Explorer delegate rates or alternatively you can arrange your own accomodation.

Terms & Conditions:

Please read the terms & conditions before booking the course by clicking here.

How to book this course:

1: Use the enquiry form at the bottom of this page

2: Email us with your course enquiry on

3: Call +44 (0) 1158224999

4: Pay online with your credit or debit card or use paypal

Course Enquiry Form:

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)


Your Message